Traditions & Holiday's

   Hello lovelies!
      It’s been awhile! My blog needs some lovin’! Let me catch you up on a few things. Addie will be EIGHT months this Saturday.  Wtf. Where does the time even go?! Like, slow your roll. She has four teeth and her hair is starting to really come in (when you see it you’ll just laugh, but I️ swear it’s growing!)! All of my DIY projects I've been wanting to do are still not done. Derek has been busting his booty working and I’ve been busy trying to make cash here and there for the holidays. Ahhh... the holidays. Let’s talk about the holidays. 

     Halloween is over. Boo. We totally dressed up as a family. Addie was a taco, I️ was the hot sauce, and Derek was the man selling tacos. Super cute! I handmade Addie's taco costume and it came out pretty good! We had everyone over for chili and cinnamon rolls. Okay... before you say anything, raise your hand if that’s something you’ve heard of before. No? Nobody? I️ SWEAR it’s a thing! Just try it! It’s a tradition in my family. Which I’ll carry over to my children. 

   Traditions. Something that means a lot to me. We don’t have many family traditions. Some small and some big. Let's talk about them! Thanksgiving is slowly starting to be forgotten, I️ feel like. As soon as Halloween is over, there is Christmas strewn everywhere. Literally.( I️ don’t mind, but don’t forget about the turkey!) Besides having turkey and potatoes... my family doesn’t have traditions for Thanksgiving. I️ was talking to Derek over dinner tonight and I️ told him I️ wanted to start a tradition of giving. I want Addie to know that giving is a great thing. I️ want her to have the biggest and caring heart. I️ came up with the idea of making a few goody bags and passing them out to homeless people that we pass during this month. I️ want her to see that even though we don’t have as much a some people, we have enough to give to others that need it a little more. 

     Then comes Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year! Am I️ right?! We have a few traditions that we will be passing along to Addie. Along with the pretty common traditions like tree decorating, zoo lights, cookies for Santa, we will have a few special added things. In my family, one child was always picked and wears a Santa hat. They are deemed “Santa” for the morning of Christmas and they pass out everyone’s gifts to them. We used to love being chosen! Every Christmas morning we would rush out to the living room to see what Santa had brought us! Our stckings were always stuffed with toys and candy but my favorite thing that we ALWAYS got from him (thanks mom) were new pajamas. Still to this day at 25, my mom still gives all of us kids pajamas for Christmas. Love you, "Santa"! Cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning is a must! My step grandmother made that a tradition with us, and I️ love her for it! It’ll definitely stick with me and hopefully with my kids. I can’t say they’ll be as good as hers always were ( who am I️ kidding? I’ll probably just buy a can of them) but that’s alright! 

     What traditions do you have in your family? Is there any that you have started once you had kids? Is there any that you still keep up with just as you did as a kid? I️ want to know! Throw me some comments! Send me some ideas! Get creative! Those special traditions are the ones that stick and keep on keepin' on. Until next time. Happy holidays! 


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