10 Teething Remedies (tested by our Addie)
Hello wonderful people!
Oh the joys of teething! It's the best! Said no parent EVER.
Wow. I know people say that teething is rough. But it is seriously dreadful. No sleep (for baby or you). Fevers. Grumpy. Sore gums. Yeah, not fun. Fortunately, there are things that can make it a tad more tolerable. I have created a list of 10 things we have tried with Addie. Some are miraculous and some...well, are a total fail.
Wow. I know people say that teething is rough. But it is seriously dreadful. No sleep (for baby or you). Fevers. Grumpy. Sore gums. Yeah, not fun. Fortunately, there are things that can make it a tad more tolerable. I have created a list of 10 things we have tried with Addie. Some are miraculous and some...well, are a total fail.
1. Babyganics Benzocaine-Free Teething Gel
This way the very first method we tried. We picked up this gel at Babies R Us. It's an all natural gel. There are only three ingredients in this. Clove oil, coconut oil, and stevia. It comes in these little pods with a handful of cotton swabs to apply the gel. You simply dip the cotton swab in the oil and then rub it on baby's gums. Honestly, I think this is a good option if it’s the only option you have but they are super convenient when you’re out and about! With our experience, Addie hated the taste and was back to screaming after a whole 5-10 mins. It doesn’t last very long.
2. Munchkin Mesh Teether
This mesh teether is awesome and personally, our favorite! We were gifted it at our baby shower and we love it (thank you thank you)! You open it from the side and throw a few pieces of ice into it and voila, it’s ready for your baby! I would throw a bib on them though, so they don't end up totally wet. I like that the material is thin and quick to dry. Unlike the strawberry teether (#3), you can see inside of this one (I've heard these easily collect mold). It's super simple to wash and dry this teether! Plus, Addie loves it! It's just the right size for her tiny mouth and it's little handle makes it easy for her to grasp (and keeps her little hands warm too)! Great option for teething babes!
3.Sassy Strawberry Teether
We were gifted this teether as well (thank you)! It's not a bad product but there are a few things that we dislike about it. The biggest being that you can't see into it. There is a plastic lining and the material on the outside resembles a washcloth, which I thought Addie would love! Turns out, it was a little too big for her and she doesn't like it all that much. She tries to suck on it but because it's a little too big, she tosses it to the sided and forgets about it. We might keep trying this one as she gets older!
4.Frozen Washcloth
Okay, the frozen washcloth. I have a love/hate relationship with these. Addies favorite thing to do in the bath is to chew/suck on her baby washcloths so I decided to freeze a couple for her to chew on when her teeth are sore. She actually likes them a lot but it's not mom’s favorite. Reason being, she ends up sopping wet! So, when I DO give her these, she's usually only in her diaper. They don’t stay frozen for very long, so freeze a few so you can switch them out!
5. Nuby Silicone Teether
We love this Nuby teether! It's made of silicone so it's super bendy and soft for her. It also has these tiny bristles on one side that act as a massager for her little gums when she's chewing on it. When she does get teeth though, I don’t think we will give this to her anymore. The material is so soft that I think it’d be way too easy for her to bite chunks out of it. This Nuby teether is perfect for when we are out and about though! It even comes with it’s own little case to keep it clean when we need to toss it in the diaper bag! Such a great teether!
6.Pressure on Gums (with finger)
I've read so many things saying to "put pressure on their gums". She only lets me do this once in awhile and usually it ends up in tears and a total melt down! I, personally, don't think this helps at all.
7.Frozen Water in Pacifier
I just recently decided to try this out! She is nuts about her pacifier so I decided to try to freeze some water in one! I used an Avent Soothie pacifier. It worked out pretty well! She sucks on it long enough to numb her gums and then as the ice begins to melt I take the icecube away ( it melts fast and sometimes just falls out so be careful and don't leave your baby unattended with this one!).
8.Amber Necklace
Okay, I'll admit it. I was hesitant with this neclace. Can amber REALLY have healing properties? Derek’s parents bought Addie one from Baltic Wonder! I can honestly tell you, I think this necklace genuinely helps her! She wore it for the first time the other day and she was such a happy baby! We still have our moments when she needs something cold for a little bit more of a relief, but the necklace is such a life saver!
9.Infantino Frozen Teething Ring
Addie LOVES this teething ring! It has water on the inside of the ring that you can freeze and they can suck on to numb their sore gums. She loves how cold it gets, but after about a minute or two, she can't use it anymore because it's TOO COLD. If this had a little cover or something on it to keep her precious hands warm, it'd be perfect!
10. Infantino Go GaGa Squeeze & Teethe Elephant
Alright, this elephant teether is THE CUTEST THING! Addie enjoys how it squeaks (so does Loki, our dog. It sounds exactly like a dog toy). She tries and tries to fit it in her mouth but I think she is still too small for it. I love that it is made out of all natural rubbers and once again, it's adorable. We will have to keep working with this one! If it doesn't work as a teether, it still makes a great toy (for the babe or for Loki)!
There you have it! 10 things we have tried, so far! I'm not a doctor and I'm not saying these will work for you! Just give a few of them a try! If you or anyone you know have tried other methods for teething, I’d LOVE to hear them! I’m always open to new ways for making her happy. I hope this list helped and maybe, just maybe, it will give your little nugget some sweet relief and you can both get some sleep. *fingers crossed*
Until next time!
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