Reliving Heartache

Hello everyone!
     Do you ever find yourself reliving some of your most heart wrenching memories? Everyone experiences heartache. Whether it be a breakup, a loss of a loved one, a loss of a pet, a failure. Everyone goes through something so utterly sad that it's undeniably engraved in your brain. 
   For me, last night while I was sleeping I dreamt. I dreamt about one of the most memorable and awful events in my life. I don't know why my mind drifted there while I slept. But it did. And when I woke I had to tell myself "shake it off, it was only a dream". But it wasn't. I lived through the memory a few years ago. Miscarriage. It's a lot more common that society makes it seem. I had a miscarriage almost four years ago. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever been through. Not only physically,  but mentally, as well. It took a fair amount of time for me to finally come to terms with it. Eventually, I did. I dream about the baby often. Would it have been a boy or a girl? Would it have been as beautiful as his or her sister? Even though it was such a tough hurdle to climb, I grew from it. 
    The experience taught me a few things. It taught me how fragile life can really be. In an instant life can switch gears. It taught me patience. Patience and time. In time, my patience grew and eventually I was pregnant again ( happiest/ scariest day ever). Now we have a precious little girl! And it also taught me how much I truly loved Derek. Going through something so horrible together can either tear you apart or make your relationship stronger. Our is so much stronger now. 
     Do you ever find yourself reliving some of your most heart wrenching memories? Just remember. Life put you in that situation so you could learn from it and grow. You are exactly where the universe needs you to be. Things will get better. Have patience. 
Until next time! 


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