11 Things I have learned about being a mom (thus far)
Hello everyone!
I've been slack-a-lackin' on my blog posts! I know. WHAT THE HECK?! Well, I have been thinking a lot about what life was like before we had little Addie. It's only been 5 months and I seriously have a hard time remembering. Sounds crazy, but this is my life now & I freaking LOVE IT. All of it. The good and the bad! I put together a list of things I've learned so far since I became a mama. This is just the beginning!
1. Outfit Changes
This one. Man. THIS ONE. When you have a newborn, outfit changes will happen. A lot. Not just for baby, for you too. Not only will you change a billion times because nothing in your closet fits for awhile but when baby pukes. It gets on you both. Baby poo's. It "usually" gets on you both. Milk. It either leaks out of the bottle and onto you both OR my favorite, it leaks from your boob and your outfit is ruined. Then, they start eating baby food. That's a HUGE mess. Outfit change after outfit change. Just remember. Maybe the cute outfit you had planned out for the day needs to be doubled. Always be prepared to change. Adding on to this one. LAUNDRY. OH MY GOSH. The laundry is never ending. I have a pile of laundry in my room the size of Mt. Everest as I type this. You have been warned.
2. Sleep Deprivation
This is a real thing. People will tell you "you better sleep now before baby comes". Listen to them. You won't sleep the same ever again. I've come to terms with this. Even if Addie has a GREAT night sleeping, I'm up. I check on her or worry all night about chores that didn't get finished that day. Mostly, I worry why she's sleeping so well. When people say "sleep when baby sleeps", do it. It may be difficult. I know this first hand. Baby is sleeping and now you have some "you" time. Use this time to sleep! Even ten solid mins help! Anyways, lacking sleep is a very, very real thing.
3. Noises
Before I became a mom, I never knew how many absurd noises myself and Derek could make. You make some crazy sounds when you're trying to entertain your baby. You'll feel pretty silly but... you'll still do it.
4. The Tears That Will Fall
Tears. They have fallen quite a few times already. I'm an emotional person anyways, but it's definitely worse now that I'm a mom. I've cried over some pretty silly things. These tears aren't always sad tears though. I've cried out of happiness. I've cried when I'm overcome with pride. The tears will fall, happy and sad and that's okay. You're normal.
5. Children's Songs
You don't know how many kids songs there are until you have a baby. So. Many. Kids. Songs. From ABC's to weird songs about going potty. Seriously. YouTube has so many. You also don't realize how much you despise kids songs until you hear them 10,000 times a day. Can we just listen to Bob Marley or Adele for a second? Okay, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star it is.
6. Messy Hair
Mom-buns are life. My hair is almost always up nowadays & honestly, I couldn't tell you the last time I washed my hair. Gross? Maybe. But give me a break! Moms, back me up. Washing your hair takes time and time is something that this mama lacks lately. Ain't nobody got time for that! Sheesh. Great. Now I want to go wash my hair.
7. Pictures Pictures Pictures
I take SO many pictures of Addie. I take them everyday. I take them when she sleeps, when she tries new food, when shes playing. I love every single photo, but when other people scroll through my phone they always say... this one is just like the one you took the other day. Nope. Wrong. That one is from today the other one is from a few days ago. There's a difference. Call me crazy, but she is growing so fast and I won't miss it. So take the photo. Take plenty of photos.
8. Asking for Help is OKAY
I struggled with this one. I still struggle with this one. When we brought Addie home from the hospital it was hectic and scary. She had breathing problems and we were in and out of different doctors trying to fix it. It was terrifying and I didn't want to leave her alone. Especially to sleep. But it got to the point where it wasn't safe for me to be watching her if I wasn't sleeping. I broke down and asked for help. That was the smartest thing I did. I had received help from a few different family members of mine and Derek's (they know who they are). I am so grateful for those few nights that I was able to sleep. Asking for help is totally OKAY. Do it. You'll thank me later.
9. Date Nights are a Thing of the PAST (for now)
As of now, five months in, we haven't had a date since a week before I was induced. Yes, it makes me sad. But, we have an amazing relationship and we have a family now. Hopefully, sometime soon we can sneak away for an hour or two for some "us" time. For now, we get to have date nights at home with our beautiful baby girl.
10. Getting Excited About POOP
I know what you're thinking. EW! Kanisha! No,seriously. I never knew how excited I'd get when someone else pooped. You're baby will get constipated. It happens to everyone once in awhile. It makes them cranky and irritable. When they finally go, you'll be jumping for joy! Whenever Addie finally makes her "poop face" I immediately start dancing and telling her what a good job she did. I even have Derek getting excited about it lately. Poor girl, she's stuck with two weird parents.
11. LOVE
Last, and never least. I didn't know I was capable of loving someone so entirely much. It's such a different kind of love. It's an out of body love. She's literally everything. (here I go crying, I told you tears would fall) Not only did I learn how much love I had for her but for others as well. I love Derek so much more now that we have created such a beautiful little human together. I love my mother and my father for not only making me but now I understand what they mean when they say "I love you more". Love you mom. Love you Dad.
I could easily come up with so many more more things I've learned so far. Becoming a parent isn't easy and you will NEVER be prepared for it. It's hard and scary and beautiful all in one little package! You'll learn from it and it'll be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever go through. Just remember, always pack more than one outfit, tears are normal and you CAN ask for help. Now, I have to go change Addie's drool covered outfit. Until next time.
I've been slack-a-lackin' on my blog posts! I know. WHAT THE HECK?! Well, I have been thinking a lot about what life was like before we had little Addie. It's only been 5 months and I seriously have a hard time remembering. Sounds crazy, but this is my life now & I freaking LOVE IT. All of it. The good and the bad! I put together a list of things I've learned so far since I became a mama. This is just the beginning!
1. Outfit Changes
This one. Man. THIS ONE. When you have a newborn, outfit changes will happen. A lot. Not just for baby, for you too. Not only will you change a billion times because nothing in your closet fits for awhile but when baby pukes. It gets on you both. Baby poo's. It "usually" gets on you both. Milk. It either leaks out of the bottle and onto you both OR my favorite, it leaks from your boob and your outfit is ruined. Then, they start eating baby food. That's a HUGE mess. Outfit change after outfit change. Just remember. Maybe the cute outfit you had planned out for the day needs to be doubled. Always be prepared to change. Adding on to this one. LAUNDRY. OH MY GOSH. The laundry is never ending. I have a pile of laundry in my room the size of Mt. Everest as I type this. You have been warned.
2. Sleep Deprivation
This is a real thing. People will tell you "you better sleep now before baby comes". Listen to them. You won't sleep the same ever again. I've come to terms with this. Even if Addie has a GREAT night sleeping, I'm up. I check on her or worry all night about chores that didn't get finished that day. Mostly, I worry why she's sleeping so well. When people say "sleep when baby sleeps", do it. It may be difficult. I know this first hand. Baby is sleeping and now you have some "you" time. Use this time to sleep! Even ten solid mins help! Anyways, lacking sleep is a very, very real thing.
3. Noises
Before I became a mom, I never knew how many absurd noises myself and Derek could make. You make some crazy sounds when you're trying to entertain your baby. You'll feel pretty silly but... you'll still do it.
4. The Tears That Will Fall
Tears. They have fallen quite a few times already. I'm an emotional person anyways, but it's definitely worse now that I'm a mom. I've cried over some pretty silly things. These tears aren't always sad tears though. I've cried out of happiness. I've cried when I'm overcome with pride. The tears will fall, happy and sad and that's okay. You're normal.
5. Children's Songs
You don't know how many kids songs there are until you have a baby. So. Many. Kids. Songs. From ABC's to weird songs about going potty. Seriously. YouTube has so many. You also don't realize how much you despise kids songs until you hear them 10,000 times a day. Can we just listen to Bob Marley or Adele for a second? Okay, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star it is.
6. Messy Hair
Mom-buns are life. My hair is almost always up nowadays & honestly, I couldn't tell you the last time I washed my hair. Gross? Maybe. But give me a break! Moms, back me up. Washing your hair takes time and time is something that this mama lacks lately. Ain't nobody got time for that! Sheesh. Great. Now I want to go wash my hair.
7. Pictures Pictures Pictures
I take SO many pictures of Addie. I take them everyday. I take them when she sleeps, when she tries new food, when shes playing. I love every single photo, but when other people scroll through my phone they always say... this one is just like the one you took the other day. Nope. Wrong. That one is from today the other one is from a few days ago. There's a difference. Call me crazy, but she is growing so fast and I won't miss it. So take the photo. Take plenty of photos.
8. Asking for Help is OKAY
I struggled with this one. I still struggle with this one. When we brought Addie home from the hospital it was hectic and scary. She had breathing problems and we were in and out of different doctors trying to fix it. It was terrifying and I didn't want to leave her alone. Especially to sleep. But it got to the point where it wasn't safe for me to be watching her if I wasn't sleeping. I broke down and asked for help. That was the smartest thing I did. I had received help from a few different family members of mine and Derek's (they know who they are). I am so grateful for those few nights that I was able to sleep. Asking for help is totally OKAY. Do it. You'll thank me later.
9. Date Nights are a Thing of the PAST (for now)
As of now, five months in, we haven't had a date since a week before I was induced. Yes, it makes me sad. But, we have an amazing relationship and we have a family now. Hopefully, sometime soon we can sneak away for an hour or two for some "us" time. For now, we get to have date nights at home with our beautiful baby girl.
10. Getting Excited About POOP
I know what you're thinking. EW! Kanisha! No,seriously. I never knew how excited I'd get when someone else pooped. You're baby will get constipated. It happens to everyone once in awhile. It makes them cranky and irritable. When they finally go, you'll be jumping for joy! Whenever Addie finally makes her "poop face" I immediately start dancing and telling her what a good job she did. I even have Derek getting excited about it lately. Poor girl, she's stuck with two weird parents.
11. LOVE
Last, and never least. I didn't know I was capable of loving someone so entirely much. It's such a different kind of love. It's an out of body love. She's literally everything. (here I go crying, I told you tears would fall) Not only did I learn how much love I had for her but for others as well. I love Derek so much more now that we have created such a beautiful little human together. I love my mother and my father for not only making me but now I understand what they mean when they say "I love you more". Love you mom. Love you Dad.
I could easily come up with so many more more things I've learned so far. Becoming a parent isn't easy and you will NEVER be prepared for it. It's hard and scary and beautiful all in one little package! You'll learn from it and it'll be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever go through. Just remember, always pack more than one outfit, tears are normal and you CAN ask for help. Now, I have to go change Addie's drool covered outfit. Until next time.
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