
Showing posts from September, 2017

Having any more kids?

Hello lovely people!          My post today is a touchy one, for me anyways. It seems like now that we have Addie, we get asked this question a whole heck of a lot more!      "Are you going to have more kids?". "So, when are you having another one?" "Is Addie going to have any siblings?" And my all time favorite... "Are you pregnant again?"      WE JUST HAD ADDIE PEOPLE! Slow your roll! She's 5 1/2 months old! Personally, I'm not ready to have another newborn just yet. I'm still getting used to the fact that we are parents!      The other night after a long, but very fun, Saturday, we were laying in bed and Derek turned to me and said... "Maybe we shouldn't have any more kids. Maybe Addie should be our only one." So we laid there talking about the idea of more (and tossed the idea of just one around too). This is what has been swimming around in my head since then.      Would Addie feel left ...