Hey there, beautiful people! My first blog! Wowzers! 😨 I guess I should start with the story of what made me a mommy! My pregnancy story. I mean, isn't that how every "mom blog" starts? Where to begin though? I'll be completely honest... I didn't really enjoy being pregnant. Before you turn away from my page or start saying how nutty I am for making that statement, read my story . Please. My pregnancy didn't go the way I had hoped or planned for. But in reality, can you really plan the course of a pregnancy? CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A GREAT DEAL!! First, here is a short basic history of us. My name is Kanisha and my fiance’s (boyfriend at the time) name is Derek. I’ve known him since the 6th grade. We have been dating for five wonderful years this month but we have lived together for four years. Our family started to grow when we adopted a cat not long after we moved in together. Her name is Freya. Shortly after that, Derek brought home a pup...
Hello everyone! I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Self love is something I need to work on. A lot. “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance” – Oscar Wilde I was getting ready to go swimming yesterday morning and caught myself standing in the mirror, in my bathing suit, smudged makeup, messy mom-bun from the day before, bags under my eyes from my ever so fussy baby. I stood there and took a few photos on Snapchat to send to a few of my close friends. I even drew circles around my tummy and thighs, drawing attention to how much I disliked the way they looked. I stared at myself and didn't like who I saw. I didn't enjoy looking at my post baby body. Then it hit me.... Do I want my precious daughter to look in the mirror and shame herself the same way I was shaming my own? Hell no ! Never in a million years. I want her to look at herself and know how beautiful she is! “Lo...
Hello wonderful people! Oh the joys of teething! It's the best! Said no parent EVER. Wow. I know people say that teething is rough. But it is seriously dreadful. No sleep (for baby or you). Fevers. Grumpy. Sore gums. Yeah, not fun. Fortunately, there are things that can make it a tad more tolerable. I have created a list of 10 things we have tried with Addie. Some are miraculous and some...well, are a total fail. 1. Babyganics Benzocaine-Free Teething Gel This way the very first method we tried. We picked up this gel at Babies R Us. It's an all natural gel. There are only three ingredients in this. Clove oil, coconut oil, and stevia. It comes in these little pods with a handful of cotton swabs to apply the gel. You simply dip the cotton swab in the oil and then rub it on baby's gums. Honestly, I think this is a good option if it’s the only option you have but they are super convenient when you’re out and about! With our ...
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