Well, hello there you beautiful humans! It's been a long time since I've written a blog post. I'll admit it. I've been in a little bit of a writing rut. I'd sit in front of my screen and stare at a blank canvas with nothing coming to mind. It made me frustrated and annoyed and I started avoiding my blog knowing I'd just be pissed off after coming up with little to nothing. ANYWAYS! I'm back, at least for the moment! I just wanted to update everyone on life and I few things I wanted to share with all of you! Let's stat with life! Well, the holidays are long over! It was definitely exciting to have Addie here to share all of the special traditions and make new memories with! But I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm glad they are over. lol Addie is now a BIG ONE YEAR OLD! What?! I have a freaking one year old? Are you kidding? How did time go by THAT fast? Seriously though. A year? Whew. Her party was great! She had so many people show up here to...