

Well, hello there you beautiful humans! It's been a long time since I've written a blog post. I'll admit it. I've been in a little bit of a writing rut. I'd sit in front of my screen and stare at a blank canvas with nothing coming to mind. It made me frustrated and annoyed and I started avoiding my blog knowing I'd just be pissed off after coming up with little to nothing. ANYWAYS!  I'm back, at least for the moment! I just wanted to update everyone on life and I few things I wanted to share with all of you! Let's stat with life! Well, the holidays are long over! It was definitely exciting to have Addie here to share all of the special traditions and make new memories with! But I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm glad they are over. lol Addie is now a BIG ONE YEAR OLD! What?! I have a freaking one year old? Are you kidding? How did time go by THAT fast? Seriously though. A year? Whew. Her party was great! She had so many people show up here to...

Dress to Impress (Cleo Madison)

Hello lovlies!      Hey there everyone! I seem to have lost touch with my blog posting over the holidays! I feel like they just zipped by! I swear I was just carving pumpkins and planning for Halloween. It's 2018 and Spring is nipping at the heels of Winter here in AZ. The weather has been beautiful! We have been spending so much time outside! Addie and I LOVE it!      Cue the PERFECT dress for Spring.... wait wait wait. Scratch that, this dress is perfect all year round! The Bella Tie Dye Dress! I was fortunate enough to work with a great and friendly brand,  Cleo Madison ! Liz, the owner is super sweet and let's face it, that girl obviously has style!      As soon as I put the dress on I didn't want to take it off! It's a super comfy t-shirt material. The tie-dye pattern is trendy and simple. It can be dressed up with a belt and some wedges or dressed down with some white tennis shoes and a light weight sweater. It'...

6 Things I hope my kids will always remember

Hey lovelies!      Good evening! I wanted to write a little blog tonight and I figured I'd write about something that's important to me. Beware, I'm being emotional. Things I hope my children will always remember. When I'm gone or even when they grow up and have children of their own, I hope they always remember these few things. 1.  YOU ARE WORTH IT    No matter what age, I hope you always remember you are worth it. Every wasted second. Every extra penny. You are worth it all. Don't listen to what anyone else says. You are and always will be worth it. 2. CHASE AFTER YOUR DREAMS. NOT MONEY.     You may think that money brings you happiness but that's not always true. Surround yourself with love and laughter. That is worth more then all the riches this world has to offer you. Money won't hug you when you're sad. It won't kiss you goodnight. Money won't hold your hair back when you're ill or laugh with you when you tell a joke. Fo...

Traditions & Holiday's

   Hello lovelies!       It’s been awhile! My blog needs some lovin’! Let me catch you up on a few things. Addie will be EIGHT months this Saturday.  Wtf. Where does the time even go?! Like, slow your roll. She has four teeth and her hair is starting to really come in (when you see it you’ll just laugh, but I️ swear it’s growing!)! All of my DIY projects I've been wanting to do are still not done. Derek has been busting his booty working and I’ve been busy trying to make cash here and there for the holidays. Ahhh... the holidays. Let’s talk about the holidays.       Halloween is over. Boo. We totally dressed up as a family. Addie was a taco, I️ was the hot sauce, and Derek was the man selling tacos. Super cute! I handmade Addie's taco costume and it came out pretty good! We had everyone over for chili and cinnamon rolls. Okay... before you say anything, raise your hand if that’s something you’ve heard of before. No? Nobody? I️ SWE...

Dream Wedding?!

     About a month ago, I was on Instagram and scrolled past one of my favorite photographers. I immediately stopped to read what she had posted. She was announcing a wedding giveaway that her and the amazing Melissa had created! I giggled and figured it couldn't hurt to enter. So I did just that. I wrote down our love story and with a simple click, we were entered.      We have been engaged for almost a year. I've been slowly trying to plan our wedding. I seriously cant wait to marry my best friend. But having a baby and now me staying home to care for her. The funds really aren't there for a wedding. So it's been on hold. Weddings can be so pricey! So, seeing this chance of a lifetime was so exciting! Let me just say, I NEVER win. Anything.      September 19th, I was laying in bed with Derek and he was fast asleep. I decided to check my email before I went to sleep. WE MADE IT TO THE 2nd ROUND! No way! It took everything in me to ...

Having any more kids?

Hello lovely people!          My post today is a touchy one, for me anyways. It seems like now that we have Addie, we get asked this question a whole heck of a lot more!      "Are you going to have more kids?". "So, when are you having another one?" "Is Addie going to have any siblings?" And my all time favorite... "Are you pregnant again?"      WE JUST HAD ADDIE PEOPLE! Slow your roll! She's 5 1/2 months old! Personally, I'm not ready to have another newborn just yet. I'm still getting used to the fact that we are parents!      The other night after a long, but very fun, Saturday, we were laying in bed and Derek turned to me and said... "Maybe we shouldn't have any more kids. Maybe Addie should be our only one." So we laid there talking about the idea of more (and tossed the idea of just one around too). This is what has been swimming around in my head since then.      Would Addie feel left ...

Wednesdays Randomness

Hey there beautiful people!      Well, it's Wednesday. The middle of the week. We have made it. HUMP DAY! I'd be lying if I said I have a ton of stuff I've been needing to blog about. I'm not sure if this happens to all bloggers, but when I started this  I had a whole list of things I knew I wanted to write about! Now, almost a month into it, (I love blogging by the way) I can't seem to get the creative juices flowing. I have a whole list of topics I wrote down a month ago and every time I go to write about them... I have a total creative block. Writers block. It's a real thing. Maybe its because Addie and I have been stuck indoors these past few weeks because of the dreadful heat. We are so ready for cooler weather. So, this blog post is just a bunch of random thoughts I've been having today. Enjoy.      This morning I turned on good old YouTube and found a funky little dance workout and I actually finished it. 30 whole mins of me dancing. Wel...