Wednesdays Randomness
Hey there beautiful people! Well, it's Wednesday. The middle of the week. We have made it. HUMP DAY! I'd be lying if I said I have a ton of stuff I've been needing to blog about. I'm not sure if this happens to all bloggers, but when I started this I had a whole list of things I knew I wanted to write about! Now, almost a month into it, (I love blogging by the way) I can't seem to get the creative juices flowing. I have a whole list of topics I wrote down a month ago and every time I go to write about them... I have a total creative block. Writers block. It's a real thing. Maybe its because Addie and I have been stuck indoors these past few weeks because of the dreadful heat. We are so ready for cooler weather. So, this blog post is just a bunch of random thoughts I've been having today. Enjoy. This morning I turned on good old YouTube and found a funky little dance workout and I actually finished it. 30 whole mins of me dancing. Wel...