6 Things I hope my kids will always remember

Hey lovelies! Good evening! I wanted to write a little blog tonight and I figured I'd write about something that's important to me. Beware, I'm being emotional. Things I hope my children will always remember. When I'm gone or even when they grow up and have children of their own, I hope they always remember these few things. 1. YOU ARE WORTH IT No matter what age, I hope you always remember you are worth it. Every wasted second. Every extra penny. You are worth it all. Don't listen to what anyone else says. You are and always will be worth it. 2. CHASE AFTER YOUR DREAMS. NOT MONEY. You may think that money brings you happiness but that's not always true. Surround yourself with love and laughter. That is worth more then all the riches this world has to offer you. Money won't hug you when you're sad. It won't kiss you goodnight. Money won't hold your hair back when you're ill or laugh with you when you tell a joke. Fo...