
Showing posts from 2017

6 Things I hope my kids will always remember

Hey lovelies!      Good evening! I wanted to write a little blog tonight and I figured I'd write about something that's important to me. Beware, I'm being emotional. Things I hope my children will always remember. When I'm gone or even when they grow up and have children of their own, I hope they always remember these few things. 1.  YOU ARE WORTH IT    No matter what age, I hope you always remember you are worth it. Every wasted second. Every extra penny. You are worth it all. Don't listen to what anyone else says. You are and always will be worth it. 2. CHASE AFTER YOUR DREAMS. NOT MONEY.     You may think that money brings you happiness but that's not always true. Surround yourself with love and laughter. That is worth more then all the riches this world has to offer you. Money won't hug you when you're sad. It won't kiss you goodnight. Money won't hold your hair back when you're ill or laugh with you when you tell a joke. Fo...

Traditions & Holiday's

   Hello lovelies!       It’s been awhile! My blog needs some lovin’! Let me catch you up on a few things. Addie will be EIGHT months this Saturday.  Wtf. Where does the time even go?! Like, slow your roll. She has four teeth and her hair is starting to really come in (when you see it you’ll just laugh, but I️ swear it’s growing!)! All of my DIY projects I've been wanting to do are still not done. Derek has been busting his booty working and I’ve been busy trying to make cash here and there for the holidays. Ahhh... the holidays. Let’s talk about the holidays.       Halloween is over. Boo. We totally dressed up as a family. Addie was a taco, I️ was the hot sauce, and Derek was the man selling tacos. Super cute! I handmade Addie's taco costume and it came out pretty good! We had everyone over for chili and cinnamon rolls. Okay... before you say anything, raise your hand if that’s something you’ve heard of before. No? Nobody? I️ SWE...

Dream Wedding?!

     About a month ago, I was on Instagram and scrolled past one of my favorite photographers. I immediately stopped to read what she had posted. She was announcing a wedding giveaway that her and the amazing Melissa had created! I giggled and figured it couldn't hurt to enter. So I did just that. I wrote down our love story and with a simple click, we were entered.      We have been engaged for almost a year. I've been slowly trying to plan our wedding. I seriously cant wait to marry my best friend. But having a baby and now me staying home to care for her. The funds really aren't there for a wedding. So it's been on hold. Weddings can be so pricey! So, seeing this chance of a lifetime was so exciting! Let me just say, I NEVER win. Anything.      September 19th, I was laying in bed with Derek and he was fast asleep. I decided to check my email before I went to sleep. WE MADE IT TO THE 2nd ROUND! No way! It took everything in me to ...

Having any more kids?

Hello lovely people!          My post today is a touchy one, for me anyways. It seems like now that we have Addie, we get asked this question a whole heck of a lot more!      "Are you going to have more kids?". "So, when are you having another one?" "Is Addie going to have any siblings?" And my all time favorite... "Are you pregnant again?"      WE JUST HAD ADDIE PEOPLE! Slow your roll! She's 5 1/2 months old! Personally, I'm not ready to have another newborn just yet. I'm still getting used to the fact that we are parents!      The other night after a long, but very fun, Saturday, we were laying in bed and Derek turned to me and said... "Maybe we shouldn't have any more kids. Maybe Addie should be our only one." So we laid there talking about the idea of more (and tossed the idea of just one around too). This is what has been swimming around in my head since then.      Would Addie feel left ...

Wednesdays Randomness

Hey there beautiful people!      Well, it's Wednesday. The middle of the week. We have made it. HUMP DAY! I'd be lying if I said I have a ton of stuff I've been needing to blog about. I'm not sure if this happens to all bloggers, but when I started this  I had a whole list of things I knew I wanted to write about! Now, almost a month into it, (I love blogging by the way) I can't seem to get the creative juices flowing. I have a whole list of topics I wrote down a month ago and every time I go to write about them... I have a total creative block. Writers block. It's a real thing. Maybe its because Addie and I have been stuck indoors these past few weeks because of the dreadful heat. We are so ready for cooler weather. So, this blog post is just a bunch of random thoughts I've been having today. Enjoy.      This morning I turned on good old YouTube and found a funky little dance workout and I actually finished it. 30 whole mins of me dancing. Wel...

11 Things I have learned about being a mom (thus far)

Hello everyone!    I've been slack-a-lackin' on my blog posts! I know. WHAT THE HECK?! Well, I have been thinking a lot about what life was like before we had little Addie. It's only been 5 months and I seriously have a hard time remembering. Sounds crazy, but this is my life now & I freaking LOVE IT. All of it. The good and the bad! I put together a list of things I've learned so far since I became a mama.  This is just the beginning!     1. Outfit Changes      This one. Man. THIS ONE. When you have a newborn, outfit changes will happen. A lot. Not just for baby, for you too. Not only will you change a billion times because nothing in your closet fits for awhile but when baby pukes. It gets on you both. Baby poo's. It "usually" gets on you both. Milk. It either leaks out of the bottle and onto you both OR my favorite, it leaks from your boob and your outfit is ruined. Then, they start eating baby food. That's a HUGE mess. Outfit change...

10 Teething Remedies (tested by our Addie)

Hello wonderful people!     Oh the joys of teething! It's the best! Said no parent EVER. Wow. I know people say that teething is rough. But it is seriously dreadful. No sleep (for baby or you). Fevers. Grumpy. Sore gums. Yeah, not fun. Fortunately, there are things that can make it a tad more tolerable. I have created a list of 10 things we have tried with Addie. Some are miraculous and some...well, are a total fail. 1. Babyganics Benzocaine-Free Teething Gel     This way the very first method we tried. We picked up this gel at Babies R Us. It's an all natural gel. There are only three ingredients in this. Clove oil, coconut oil, and stevia. It comes in these little pods with a handful of cotton swabs to apply the gel. You simply dip the cotton swab in the oil and then rub it on baby's gums. Honestly, I think this is a good option if it’s the only option you have but they are super convenient when you’re out and about! With our ...

Reliving Heartache

Hello everyone!      Do you ever find yourself reliving some of your most heart wrenching memories? Everyone experiences heartache. Whether it be a breakup, a loss of a loved one, a loss of a pet, a failure. Everyone goes through something so utterly sad that it's undeniably engraved in your brain.     For me, last night while I was sleeping I dreamt. I dreamt about one of the most memorable and awful events in my life. I don't know why my mind drifted there while I slept. But it did. And when I woke I had to tell myself "shake it off, it was only a dream". But it wasn't. I lived through the memory a few years ago. Miscarriage. It's a lot more common that society makes it seem. I had a miscarriage almost four years ago. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever been through. Not only physically,  but mentally, as well. It took a fair amount of time for me to finally come to terms with it. Eventually, I did. I dream about the baby often. Wou...

One of those days

Hello lovely people!      Today has been well... slow, I guess. The one thing I wanted to get done today was to wash my hair(who knows how long it's been. I live in a mom bun nowadays) and maybe paint my nails while baby slept. Addie and I woke up pretty early and from the moment she was up, I knew she was still tired. For a grueling hour, she fought with me until sleep finally took over! When she woke again,  we do what we do everyday. Mom makes coffee and baby cereal. As I drink my "heaven in a cup", I feed her. She is insane about her cereal! She scarfs it down every time! ( I can't wait until she gets to try other yummy foods) After she was done I sucked it up and tackled the huge pile of dishes that was waiting for me. She did so good playing in her high chair and watching mom clean!        While I finished up the kitchen, I noticed that we were low on formula so the store was added to our list of things to do. It seemed like my todo list...


Hello gorgeous people!      This might be a very controversial subject I'm about to throw at you all. Television. Mamas, you know what I'm talking about. In today's world, technology rules the world. So, Do you think it's okay to let our kids watch tv? Okay, I know what you are thinking... "um Kanisha, your kid is only 4 months old". I know. She's still a baby! But this kid seriously LOVES T.V! Seriously. She will scream her little head off, and absolutely nothing is better until it is on! She smiles and coos along with The Little Mermaid (her absolute favorite). I've never seen an infant this enthralled with television.      I think as soon as she hit 2 1/2 months we turned on these baby brain stimulating videos we came across. It had a ton of contrasting colors and pictures with fun classical music! She loved and still loves them! She'd sit there for about ten minutes before falling fast asleep. Now, we play a few other things for her like D...

Self love ❤️

Hello everyone!      I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Self love is something I need to work on. A lot.     “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance” – Oscar Wilde      I was getting ready to go swimming yesterday morning and caught myself standing in the mirror, in my bathing suit, smudged makeup, messy mom-bun from the day before, bags under my eyes from my ever so fussy baby. I stood there and took a few photos on Snapchat to send to a few of my close friends. I even drew circles around my tummy and thighs, drawing attention to how much I disliked the way they looked.  I stared at myself and didn't like who I saw. I didn't enjoy looking at my post baby body. Then it hit me....      Do I want my precious daughter to look in the mirror and shame herself the same way I was shaming my own? Hell no ! Never in a million years. I want her to look at herself and know how beautiful she is! “Lo...

My jumbled thoughts...

Hello beautiful people!      I've been catching myself thinking more and more about blogging these past few days. I think I might be a wee bit excited! Tonight isn't really a direct topic. Just a bunch of jumbled thoughts that have been swimming mindlessly through my brain.    Halloween! It's getting closer! I love trying to challenge myself with my costumes! (I have included two of my favorite costumes I've thrown together) This year I'm triple excited to celebrate! First, we have Addie and babies make holidays WAY more enjoyable! Second,  I have decided what we are going to be. Did you hear that? I HAVE DECIDED WHAT OUR COSTUMES WILL BE! I usually have like five costumes picked out and a day or two before Halloween, I eventually throw something together! I'm pretty stoked because this means I have 3 whole months to prepare(I'll most likely wait until last minute)! Third,  Derek has agreed to match us (Addie and I)! This is a HUGE deal! The five ye...

Ice cubes, coffee, and sleepy snuggles

Hello lovelies!      I'm glad you're here! Figured I'd write a little post while baby is fast asleep in my arms. Yup. She's been " that" baby lately. She cries when nobody is next to her. She drools all day and hardly sleeps. I guess instead of me saying... she's "that" baby, I should say I'm "that" mom. Everyone tells me she's getting spoiled. That may be the case. But then again... who are other people to tell you how to parent your child? I mean, I was the one that carried her for nine months! Plus, I kind of enjoy the cuddles as she sleeps! Plus, it gives me a little time to scribble down my thoughts.      Anyways. Here we are. One grumpy baby girl!          Yesterday, I felt two tiny pokey teeth trying to come through! She's only 4 months! Is that normal? I've been wanting to try the famous Amber necklaces that are all the rage right now. For now we've been giving her ice chunks in her little mesh teethers...

10 facts about us

Derek 1. He has a passion for music  2. He's a cheeseburger guy 3. Family is THE most important thing to him 4. He played football is high school 5. If he could go anywhere in the world, it'd be Germany 6. He could eat a whole carton of ice cream in one sitting  7. He is a beer man 8. He's such a great daddy 9. He's a phenomenal writer 10. He's a dog person Kanisha 1. She's has a passion for anything crafty 2. She could eat Mexican food any day of the week 3. Family is THE most important thing to her 4. She was president of the photography club in high school 5. If she could go anywhere in the world, she would go to Australia  6. She's a Starbucks/coffee addict 7. She's a wine drinker  8. She loves being a mommy  9. She's never gotten a traffic ticket (knock on wood) 10. She's a cat person Addie   1. Loves to blow raspberries  2. Loves her toes 3. She could eat a whole container of b...

Starting with Pregnancy and ICP (bare with me)

Hey there, beautiful people!    My first blog! Wowzers! 😨 I guess I should start with the story of what made me a mommy! My pregnancy story. I mean, isn't that how every "mom blog" starts? Where to begin though? I'll be completely honest... I didn't really enjoy being pregnant. Before you turn away from my page or start saying how nutty I am for making that statement, read my story . Please. My pregnancy didn't go the way I had hoped or planned for. But in reality, can you really plan the course of a pregnancy? CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A GREAT DEAL!! First, here is a short basic history of us. My name is Kanisha and my fiance’s (boyfriend at the time) name is Derek. I’ve known him since the 6th grade. We have been dating for five wonderful years this month but we have lived together for four years. Our family started to grow when we adopted a cat not long after we moved in together. Her name is Freya. Shortly after that, Derek brought home a pup...